Public Health Consulting Without Childcare

When I did a few posts on COVID-19 back in March, I could never have imagined we’d be where we are now. I hoped we’d flatten the curve, take precautions, see improvement in access to testing and PPE, and we’d have some “normalcy” back in our schedules. While this may vary by your geographic location, I can tell you that not much has changed for my family from those days in March. We are still very strictly social distancing and we do not have childcare for our six year old boy and nine month old baby girl.

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The ABCs of looking after yourself and your consultancy during the pandemic – a guide for self-employed consultants

Today’s guest post is written by Rebecca Zosel, MPH. Director, Zosel Consulting and Co-founder, Australian Public Health Consultants Network.

Self-employed workers have been hit hard by the pandemic. As organisations scale back and focus on delivering in a work-from-home world, many ‘non-essential’ contracts have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed. While freelancers are used to managing the ebb and flow of work, the drop in demand for consultants is unprecedented and has impacted all of us in one way or another – economically, physically, mentally and socially. Here are some tips to support you and your consultancy to navigate through these uncertain times.

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Monthly Public Health Consultant Spotlight: Vanessa Da Costa, MPH

Each month, I will introduce you to a public health consultant or entrepreneur and they will share their path to self-employment and outline key pieces of advice for aspiring business owners.

Today we welcome Vanessa Da Costa. She is the CEO of Chilombo Global Career Services, LLC, a Career Services & Consulting Platform specializing in Public Health, Healthcare, & Global Development.

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Public Health Consultants: What’s Missing From Your LinkedIn Profile

Last year on the blog I shared tips for successful online networking. It was a pretty popular post, so I’m back with “Part 2”- specifically focused on LinkedIn. I look at A LOT of LinkedIn profiles, so I’m here today to tell you what I see missing and what consultants should do to strengthen their profiles to better connect with potential clients and collaborators.

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